How Holiday Season Affects Dating Traffic (And How to Monetize Jingle Bells in the Dating Vertical)

Dating industry is usually seen as an evergreen traffic source, but it has its ups and downs, too. While it’s true that dating app downloads and affiliate dating traffic remain relatively stable throughout the whole year (just like our basic psychological and physiological needs), the holiday season is truly special. According to average traffic stats across different GEOs, the highest month for converting dating offers and app downloads is January.

But the high January figure is preceded by a minor (but perfectly visible) decrease in December. So, what does it tell us about dating traffic sources? The most obvious explanation for the decline is the holiday fuss — the gift boxing, the planning, the annual reports at work, and, of course — the oh-so-dreaded time with relatives. There is simply not much time left for dating or even simply swiping.

But then again, there is this major surge in dating traffic right after the holiday fuss is over. This probably means that people still see dating ads but often have no time to act before the whole holiday nightmare is over. In turn, this means that the holiday season is the best time to advertise dating apps and sites through affiliate marketing— a relatively long-term haul that will pay off a bit later.

Another, probably even more important, reason to invest some extra effort in a dating vertical affiliate program over the holiday season is that ads (often way more intrusive than affiliate campaigns) are everywhere. It’s a lot of noise, but people seem to take it for granted — just like the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West. Many holiday-themed content ideas can become excellent traffic sources for dating offers — a true goldmine for affiliate plans compensated for visitors, not for subscribers (who will still come, but in January).

But first, marketers must understand what leads those lonely singles to dating sites when the jingle bells are jingling. Some top incentives and content ideas that drive people to action are listed below.

Holiday Spirit Appeal When Advertising the Best Dating Offers

Plenty of holiday-themed, high-converting dating offers can drive traffic during Christmas and new user registrations after Christmas. One thing all these ideas have in common is that they appeal to basic human wishes and are, to a certain degree, related to the Christmas fuss.

Don’t Spend Christmas Alone — Connect with Other Singles

Well, perhaps you should not use the exact ‘Don’t spend Christmas alone’ phrase as your top CTA, but that is a general idea. There are plenty of less depressive variations that essentially say the same thing: hot singles looking for a Christmas date, Christmas romantic dates in your area, get a date for Christmas, Christmas love miracle — all great examples of high-converting dating offers. Our natural desire for connection and socializing is the main human incentive that makes this CTA so effective. And that no one wants to be alone for Christmas, of course.

New Year, New Romance

‘New beginnings’ is one of the hottest trending topics in December and January, and it can work wonders for dating affiliate traffic. Any variation on this subject can become a powerful CTA, and one of the best traffic types for dating offers that eventually boosts new user registration rates. In fact, “New Year, New Romance” is the kind of CTA that can appeal to people from any demographic — even those who are not using any dating app right now.

Forget the Boxing Fuss and Go on a Date

Some people live for present shopping; some others go through the season with a flask of whisky in their pocket to make this nightmare slightly more bearable. “Forget the fuss and go on a date” is a good CTA for the second type. And even though this CTA will not necessarily result in immediate action (no amount of whisky can stop the Christmas train from rolling), there is a good chance that introverted holiday dreaders will bookmark a site that was not too crazy about present-wrapping. Because that’s how users decide on the top dating offers that work for them.

Travel and Meet New People in Other Cities

Travel spikes over the holiday season, too. In the US, the highest peak is around Thanksgiving, but European travelers (along with a few other GEO markets) become most active by the end of the year. Yes, most people travel to meet their families, but many singles use the time off work to travel, too. And many of these singles will appreciate casual top dating offers. Because travel is an adventure and meeting local singles is a double adventure. That may also save money on hiring local guides, by the way.

Standard: Events, Special Offers, Discounts

The good old discounts-and-special-offers classic works around Christmas, too. And the fact that every physical and digital company does it plays in your favor — because people expect discounts and special offers, best dating offers included. The logic here is pretty simple — just add the “Christmas” part before the standard discount offer. It’s also possible to strengthen the effect with festive visuals, emotional appeal, and an overall promise of a Christmas miracle — but more on that below.

Holiday Content Ideas for Natural CTA Placement

Now that we’ve figured out the best holiday-themed CTAs for the dating vertical, the question is — where to place them? Here are some holiday-themed content ideas for a “let’s go on a date” message.

Heartwarming Stories

Christmas is the perfect season for heartwarming — no, cross that — heart-wrenching stories. Practically all the holiday ads circulating right now are designed to make the viewers shed an emotional tear or two. The same logic applies to all types of content, not just video. Alternatively, you may spare singles those tears (aren’t they lonely enough already?) and go with something more positive. The promise of a Christmas miracle is a concept that keeps selling — even long after we realize why Santa has Grandpa’s voice.

Emotional stories that prove miracles still happen may not be the best traffic sources for dating offers in the causal hookup niche, of course. But apps targeting people who seek commitment can gain a lot of new users through this type of content.

Success Rates of Dating Apps

A great content idea to engage people — both those looking for commitment and those looking to have fun. Even if no one actively reminds singles about the possibility of a Christmas miracle, the promise is still somewhere, in one’s mind background. People looking for “new romance in a New Year” and travelers who hope to meet singles in other cities will want to know how to choose dating offers with the highest success rates in a given area.

For an even stronger emphasis on ‘miracle work’ and committed partner search, consider publishing love stories of people who met via dating apps — another great idea for holiday-centered content. Once again, it targets rather specific demographics, but we all know that narrow targeting usually brings the best results when high-converting dating offers are concerned.

Holiday-Themed Date & Party Ideas

It may seem counter-productive to place affiliate dating links in blog posts about holiday date ideas. If people are reading about holiday-themed dates, they must have a date already, right? Well, yes and no. First, dates get canceled — especially during the holiday chaos. And second, not all holiday date content has to be about romantic dates for couples — a few platonic geek friends may want to play the Christmas version of Dungeons and Dragons, too. Plus, some people might just be wishful thinking and reading in advance.

As for parties — well, that part is self-explanatory. Singles aren’t necessarily lonely and miserable — they have friends, they host thematic parties, and they are looking for hookups. Even around Christmas. Some — especially around Christmas, which makes Christmas party ideas such great traffic types for dating offers.

Gift Ideas & DIY Decor

The holiday classic applies to a dating vertical affiliate program, too. Gift ideas for grandma, daddy, best friend, romantic partner (don’t have one yet? Here’s your link to meet singles in your area) — the general logic goes like this, and it works. DIY decor posts may host dating affiliate links just as effectively — any decor item example with a heart instead of a snowflake is a perfectly natural place for an affiliate link to a dating site. Of course, in practice, you’ll need to get a bit more creative than that — but you grasp the general logic, right?

Bottom line, there are plenty of holiday ad ideas to drive dating traffic and even more ways to monetize that traffic through affiliate marketing. The main problem is, it’s a lot of work that kind of kills the Christmas spirit – even for those introverted holiday dreaders. Then again, there is always the option of working with professional partners, which is the main point of affiliate marketing to begin with. AdsEmpire has plenty of high-converting dating offers and a support team available all year round. The flexible payment system, vast coverage of over 50 GEO locations, and advanced landing page optimization tools can give you a chance to catch some breath while your dating campaigns keep converting. All year around. 
