Geo Poland: medieval castles and fairy-tale profit

Ordinary population of Poland used to enrich only the gentry and representatives of the upper classes. Now everyone can do it! If you are looking for a profitable geo, here it is. We have put together everything you need to know to get your promo materials into the heart of the Polish target audience.

General geo overview

Poland is a collective image of old Europe. It is famous for its medieval castles, relic forests and rich culinary heritage. However, its merits do not end there: today the country is in the ninth place in the top of the largest states in Europe, and its economy is even called one of the fastest growing.

Today, about 38 million people live in Poland. The country is divided into 16 administrative territorial units — voivodeships; each contains several cities and smaller towns. Below is a list of the largest of them, which will come in handy if you want to target individual cities:

Most of the residents are staunch Catholics and adherents of traditional values. The country is dominated by a party with right-wing views, same-sex marriages are not legalized, and abortions are completely prohibited with rare exceptions. A survey conducted by the Polish Centre for Public Opinion Research showed that 66% of respondents do not support same-sex marriage, and 84% believe that gays should not be able to adopt children.

Despite the apparent ossification and the cult of home building, the Poles are not alien to simple human pleasures. In this geo, materials for adult offers are quite popular, especially the ones where the author describes their sexual adventures in colors, and readers happily share the results on the faces of the girls in the comments. See examples of successful pre-landing pages here and here. We recommend testing our converting offer Erectil with them.

Unlike other European countries, Poland is homogeneous in terms of ethnicity: national minorities here make up no more than 3% of the population. Keep this in mind when creating your promo materials: they should be done only in Polish, because almost 100% of your target audience speaks it.


We have already mentioned that Poland is an actively developing state. Here, the unemployment rate is much lower than in the whole of Europe: 3.3% versus 6.3%, that is, almost the entire population is employed. The minimum wage in 2022 is approximately 655 euros per month, while the national average is almost 1,600 euros. Only 25% of Poles receive less than 850 euros.

The vast majority of residents are between the ages of 20 and 64. But if you set the target age as 25+, your buyout percentage will be higher, and for this you will be able to ask the affiliate for a higher rate. This age category is the most solvent. It includes the audience you need, that is, people who are actively looking for a way to stay young and healthy forever. So feel free to offer them miracle remedies for weight loss, rejuvenation and men’s health strengthening.

There is only one official currency of the state — zloty, so use it on your landing and pre-landing pages, and not euros like in most European countries. And if you use promo materials aimed at would-be investors, offering them to multiply their income dozens of times, mention the most popular Polish banks: PKO Bank Polski, Bank Pekao (Bank Polska Kasa Opieki) and Santander Bank Polska.


There are plenty of problems in this industry: low level of funding, shortage of labor force and inaccessibility of medicine, including long waiting times and high cost of doctors’ services. The level of healthcare spending in Poland is one of the lowest in Europe. In addition, the country has a huge number of deaths from causes that could be prevented, as well as from diseases that could be cured.

For an affiliate, this means one thing: you need to use the mentioned arguments when you sign up for health offers, because the lack of a proper level of health care motivates Poles to look for an alternative. And it is easy to believe in the standard horror stories about doctors who cripple patients, because it is not so far from reality!

Trust in healthcare workers and medicine

A survey of Europeans shows that doctors, nurses and representatives of other medical professions in Poland have a much lower rating than in other countries. In terms of trust in doctors, the state occupies the penultimate place — only 57% of citizens trust them. Compare this: the percentage of trust in doctors throughout the EU averages 76%. At the same time, Europeans, including Poles, trust doctors from Germany, Switzerland and Denmark.

You should pay attention to these facts when you create a landing or pre-landing page. If in your materials you include the opinion of a doctor who praises the advertised offer, use doctors from European countries with a higher standard of living. This will evoke a greater response from readers. You may find these experts helpful:

A 2021 YouGov survey found that Poland is the only country where medical professionals are not the most trusted. Residents are more likely to seek advice from family or friends. At the same time, pharmacists have the highest level of loyalty — their rating is 78%. This is a specific Polish trend, which is not observed almost anywhere in Europe.

Use it in your texts! If you do not want to make another story about how a person went to the doctor and got advice from them, write that a familiar pharmacist recommended to them a new product obtained as a result of long research and development by scientists, for example, German ones. Or tell them that a close friend or family member shared a miracle product that solved all of their problems. Such a story will be more convincing for the Poles.

In Poland, trust issues are obvious — their culture is even characterized as a ‘culture of mistrust’. Residents of this country are generally characterized by a low level of social trust, and the problem of access to medicine and hospital services only reinforces doubts about the quality of healthcare services and medicines sold in pharmacies.

Keep this in mind when creating materials. Since the Poles are so distrustful, convince them with an impressive amount of evidence and arguments. Add more photos of before and after. Be sure to leave comments on the sites from those who have tried the product and were satisfied, as well as potential buyers who still have doubts. For greater truthfulness, leave a few negative reviews.


Ischaemic heart disease, stroke and COVID-19 are the most common causes of death in Poland in recent years. They are followed by lung cancer, pneumonia, colorectal cancer and others. The number of cancer patients in general is growing every year. Diabetes is also among the top ten causes of death. Below are the statistics of diseases from which the most people died in Poland in 2020.

The growth of the number of obese people is another Polish trend that is gaining momentum slowly but surely. About 18.5% of adults were obese in 2019, which is higher than the EU average of 16%. The prevalence of excess weight is higher among men than among women: 62.8% versus 54.7%. Rates of excess weight and obesity among teens have also been on the rise over the past 20 years.

In your materials, focus on these diseases, scare them, use the percentage and statistics for persuasiveness. Now you know what the Poles are most afraid of — boldly drive traffic to offers that help to cope with the most common problems: heart disease, excess weight, diabetes, weak immunity and lung diseases.

Almost two out of five adults in Poland have a chronic illness. According to EU statistics, in 2019 about 39% of adult residents reported they had at least one chronic illness. This share reaches 70% among Poles over 65, while such diseases increase the risk of complications from COVID-19. 2020 affected a large number of older people — 94% of the total excess deaths were citizens over the age of 65.

Such strong arguments can be used for offers that work to increase immunity and heart health. Tell the audience that people over 65 have a huge risk of dying, then give them some scary numbers from the statistics. Convince them it is necessary to improve immunity so as not to be at risk and not die prematurely. Cardio offers and many other products, among other things, strengthen the immune system.

Factors affecting health

Approximately half of all deaths in Poland are caused by behavioral aspects: smoking, alcohol, lack of physical activity. At the same time, the amount of alcohol consumed is only growing, as is the popularity of electronic cigarettes. Because of the love for junk food with a lot of salt and sugar, the number of obese people is also increasing: now almost a fifth of the adult population of the country is obese.

It is difficult to find a person who does not have at least one bad habit, not to mention those who have a whole fatal bingo: smoking, drinking, no sports and love for fast food. Use this in your promo materials and landing pages as the main health risk factors. In pre-landing pages with stories, write that the person leads a sedentary lifestyle, eats chaotically and does not do sports. Most Poles will definitely recognize themselves in that person.

TerraLeads statistics on nutra offers for many years shows that the best products in Poland are products for weight loss, strengthening heart health, getting rid of parasites, fungus and adult ones. Here are our top 5 offers in this country: Keto Light+ ketogenic weight loss cocktail, A-Cardin heart capsules, Germivir anti-parasite capsules, Fungostop+ anti-fungal cream and Choco Lite chocolate cocktail.

Internet data and most visited resources

An analysis of the Kepios service shows that the number of Internet users in Poland is constantly increasing: from 2021 to 2022, more than 15 thousand new users appeared. In January 2022, 32.86 million users were recorded in the country, which is equal to approximately 87% of the total population. The most common mobile operators are Orange, T-Mobile and Play. Popular ISPs include Orange, Vectra, T-Mobile, Debacom and UPC.

According to Similarweb, Poles most often visit Google and YouTube as well as such social networks as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, news portals Wirtualna Polska, Onet, o2,, trading platforms Allegro and OLX. The Statista service reports that in Poland the most popular instant messengers in 2022 were Facebook and WhatsApp, and the favorite email services of the Poles are Gmail, and

TerraLeads also collects and analyzes statistics for each GEO covered by our offers. In Poland, the largest piece of all traffic comes from Facebook ads — about 90%. It is followed in popularity by Google Ads, Paid Search, SEO traffic, push traffic and growing TikTok. 

This information will help you understand where Poles most often spend their time on the Internet. Consider data about popular social networks when creating your promo materials in the form of correspondence. Do not embed texts in the Telegram interface – make sure that the form of the material is as familiar as possible for the target audience of your advertising campaign.

What else you will need

Recommendations and praise about the product from the lips of Polish celebrities are more convincing for the reader, especially when these are favorite artists and talking heads often flashed in the media. We have compiled for you a list of those whom the Poles trust. If you need to mention a show business star, singer Dawid Podsiadło and actresses Agnieszka Włodarczyk, Katarzyna Cichopek and Anna Mucha will do.

For celebrity or news blog sites, use these hosts: Ewa Drzyzga, Ryszard Cebula and Kuba Wojewódzki. And you can build them into the entourage of the highest grossing TV shows: Rozmowy w toku, Uwaga! and Kuba Wojewódzki. For pre-landing pages and promo materials, you may also need well-known chain stores: Żabka, Lidl, Rossmann and Carrefour. Popular pharmacies include Apteka Dyżurna, Apteka Gemini and Apteka Słoneczna.

You will need a list of public holidays. Firstly, you can time them with a 50% discount and make it clear to incredulous readers that although this is a very generous offer, there are good reasons for that. Secondly, you simply need to know on what days it is better not to launch advertising campaigns, because the Poles are not up to offers at this time.

Now you know everything about Poland that is necessary for a successful ad campaign. Apply the acquired knowledge in our Cash Rally promotion with a fund of over $250,000! Drive traffic to promo offers, collect RaceCoins and win valuable prizes. Do not hesitate to get the main prize of over $100,000 — join the race! 🏎💨
