

HealthTrader is an open affiliate network that aims to bring a splash of innovation to the industry. We do this by providing unique tools, extensive resources and great offers. HealthTrader is home to Europe’s most exciting affiliate offers in health, beauty and pharmacy.

HealthTrader prides itself on providing resources that affiliates actually use. We make it easy for you to search for that perfect banner, image, document or video and our widgets allow you to create beautiful prices tables within seconds.

Commission Type
Minimum Payment
£100 - £200
Payment Method
Bank/Wire TransferPaxumWise
Payment Frequency

3 reviews on “HealthTrader

  1. i am using it and i found it legit. my sales are very less, but i am getting payment on time.

  2. their shytobuy and weightworld offers convert well, there is no chargebacks and the payments are on time. all I need.

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